
Over the past weeks, we aligned on brand messaging & architecture that strategically position SiriusXM Media, develop a confident messaging platform and streamline your portfolio. Next step for us was to put the SiriusXM Media brand into practice by developing a web experience that reinforces your identity and reflects the range of your portfolio and services.


Audience workshops
Google Analytics
Heauristic Evaluation

KPI Identification 

Competitor Research
Field Study

Understanding your audience and their journeys

We mapped out primary and secondary audiences, and gained greater clarity into their mindset and content needs. We also looked at how your clients engage with your website within the larger sales journey, and how your website facilitates conversion and sales. 

Current Site Key Findings

A lack of brand messaging and unclear navigation structure are contributing to your misperception.

The Ad Solutions tab prompts questions more than it provides answers. 

Content should be a tool for lead gen - not a barrier for entry.

Key content blocks lack clarifying details.