Revitalizing Art Discovery:
The Variable West Website Redesign


Phase I:
[ view full report ]
Phase II: 
[ view full report ]
Phase III: 
[ view full report ]
Phase IV: 
[ view full report ]

Phase V:

Variable West pioneers as the inaugural platform offering a comprehensive calendar of art events spanning the West Coast of the United States. Our mission is to boost involvement within the West Coast art sphere, fostering growth in local communities and fostering global dialogues. The objective of this website redesign was to enhance the information architecture, ensuring an improved site navigation experience, sustaining visitor engagement, and elevating the visual design aesthetics.


Usability Test
Card Sort
Data Analytics
Wireframe and User Flow
Prototype Design


14 Weeks

Team Members

Christina Tenny
Jamie Chen
Aimee Shi



Phase 1

Create Personas

Phase 2

Create Sitemap
& Wireframe

Phase 3

Competitive Analysis

Phase 4

Paper  Prototypes
+ High-Fedelity

Phase 5

Final Design
Desktop & Mobile

Target Users

Our objective was to gather a comprehensive range of user interactions and feedback regarding this website. Our aim was to amass substantial data, identifying consistent areas for improvement and significant pain points, both in general and specific to individual users. To achieve this goal, we employed a diverse array of research methods, incorporating them before, during, and after conducting user interviews and surveys.

Key Findings:
- Having a strong homepage design attracts users to explore more of the website’s contents
- VariableWest's image was more Experienced/Professional but found many flaws and had difficulty navigating around the website

Structure Information Analysic

We gathered data from participants through card sorting and tree testing exercises. Notably, participants uniformly expressed a desire for more detailed information within the "About," "Exhibitions," and "Events" sections of the website. However, opinions diverged when it came to the naming and content of the "Journal" and "Support" pages. Many participants struggled to complete tasks efficiently, primarily due to challenges in navigating event categories and unclear pathways for supporting Variable West through various means, such as becoming a member or subscribing to their newsletter.

After collecting and analyzing the data, we made structural adjustments

Enhance User Experience with Navigation Bar Improvements:
1. Distinguish Exhibitions from Events for More Precise Filtering
2. Introduce FAQs Section for Easy Customer Support Access
3. Optimize Button Labels Across Site Pages to Align with User Expectations and Streamline Navigation Flow.

Analyzing Competitors

In the process of analyzing our competitors, we've identified several key areas for improvement in our user experience and website navigation. To enhance our offering, we aim to separate exhibitions from events in our navigation bar for a more refined filtering experience. Additionally, we plan to introduce a dedicated FAQs section to provide users with quick and convenient access to customer support. Lastly, we'll update button language across our site pages to better align with user expectations, ensuring a smoother navigation flow. These strategic insights will enable us to stay competitive and continually enhance our users' online journey.